
December 18

Prompt: December 18

Now that we have learned more about water,

I feel like we oughter

Get out in nature and go for a walk,

This time by the river, where we can take stock

Of the water around us, and what we could do,

To keep our source clean, ample, and blue.

Download the prompts for December 17-20 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

An image of the Dec. 18 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with a green border and a gold-colored frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

An image of the Dec. 18 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with a green border and a gold-colored frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.


Transportation to a local body of water and whatever you need to have a safe, fun time there.


Go visit your local watershed, or a river, lake, or ocean nearby. The experience will help your kiddo see what needs protecting. Have fun and get muddy!

December 12

Prompt: December 12

Thank you for taking me on an adventure yesterday!

Now that we’ve had some time to enjoy nature, let’s reminisce. What are the things you enjoyed the most yesterday?

What makes nature wonderful?

What is different right now from the outside world during other seasons?

Download the prompts for December 9-12 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document. You may also want to go ahead and download the prompts for December 13-16. They’re available here as a PDF, or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

An image of the Dec. 12 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with an orange border and an orange frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

An image of the Dec. 12 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with a green border and a copper-colored frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.


Possibly something to write with and on, but this can easily be a conversation.


Chat with your kiddo about their adventure outdoors yesterday. While you likely talked about it while exploring, it’s important to bring it up again today. Reminiscing together can help secure the memory, but your child may also notice new things about the experience in the peaceful remembrance. This will also help set them up for tomorrow’s artistic endeavor, as they’ll want to have their perception of winter fresh in their mind.

December 11

Prompt: December 11

When I’m at home, I live outdoors

And I find while I’m here, I miss it.

Don’t get me wrong, you I adore,

But that sadness—I can’t just dismiss it.

Let’s find a time to get outside,

Where the air is fresh and the sky is wide. 

Download the prompts for December 9-12 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.  You may also want to go ahead and download the prompts for December 13-16. They’re available here as a PDF, or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

An image of the Dec. 11 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with an orange border and an orange frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

An image of the Dec. 11 prompt card, printed on cream card stock with a green border and a copper-colored frog wax seal. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.


 None, really, but of course it depends on where you plan to go! Outdoor clothes, possibly a nature journal, and transportation, depending on your destination.


Spend some time in nature with your child and your frog. Be sure to ask your kiddo questions as you go. What do they notice about the world around them? What do they like about this adventure? We love to get outside even if the weather is terrible, but when we go for a rainy hike, we’re always sure to bring a thermos of cocoa.