
December 26

Prompt: December 26

Let’s play a game where we collaborate.

If we form a team we can draw something great.

Break into teams of three. You each have a role.

Drawer: Attempts to recreate a pre-drawn design they cannot see. They take directions from the talker. They stand with their back to the talker and viewer and may not talk.

Talker: Describes the design to the drawer, without seeing the design. They may question the viewer, but they may not use hand gestures.

Viewer: Sees the design but is not allowed to talk. They must communicate nonverbally to the talker. However, they cannot draw the design in the air or show the design with their gestures.  

Download the prompts for December 25-28 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.


Paper, drawing implements (pencils are probably best, so you can erase as you go!), and some pre-made designs. You could draw these yourselves, but I’ll probably find and print designs from the web, like these:

A line drawing of a standing polar bear with a baby on its back.

A line drawing of a standing polar bear with a baby on its back.

You can download a printable PDF with a few images here.


The prompt really says it all. By working in teams, you’ll practice listening to each other, conveying information in a relatable way, and solving problems together, all of which build empathy. I’m sure our drawings will be a disaster, but I can’t wait to see how they turn out! This activity is inspired by The Mosaic Project, and their focus on building communities where “It’s not you and me against each other, but the two of us against the problem.” You can read more in their Action Guide for Families here.