
December 24

Prompt: December 24

When my grandmother wanted to show me she cared

She fixed me a plate of my favorite food.

For me, those treats that she kindly prepared

Always put me in a wonderful mood.


Tonight, let’s fix a plate for somebody kind.

Let’s go to the kitchen and see what we find!

Download the prompts for December 21-24 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document. If you want to get a jump on the next set of prompts, you can download the prompts for December 25-28 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

A cream colored card with the December 24 prompt with a green border and a red wax seal. It’s nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

A cream colored card with the December 23 prompt with a green border and a red wax seal. It’s nestled in a lit Christmas tree.


Snacks or ingredients of your choice and a willing participant.


The goal of this activity is to have your kid (or kids) create a plate for someone other than themselves. In our house, this will be baking cookies and setting them out for Santa, but it could just as easily be fixing a nice snack for a sibling, parent, or other person.

December 4

Prompt: December 4

As a young little frog, I sat on a log.

A Bûche de Noël, which we baked in the bog.

A yummy Yule log made of icing and cake,

that we made every winter, with extra to take

and to share with our friends to spread our good cheer.

Is there something your family makes special here?

Let’s think up a holiday treat we can share

To show someone special just how much we care.


Download the prompts for December 1-4 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.  If you’d like to get a jump start on printing the prompts for December 5-8, you can download them here as a PDF, or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

An image of the Dec. 4 prompt printed on cream cardstock with an orange border. A green wax seal of a frog is in the lower right hand corner. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

An image of the Dec. 4 prompt printed on cream cardstock with an orange border. A green wax seal of a frog is in the lower right hand corner. The card is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.


  • Recipes for special holiday foods, if you have any

  • Ingredients to make those foods

  • Packaging to bring those foods to someone special


With your kiddos, talk about your family traditional foods for this time of year. What do you love to make and eat for special occasions? Is there something you share, or bring to friends and neighbors? We love to make these Brown Butter Stamp Cookies, and we use snowflake stamps to make them extra special. They’re delicious, only slightly sweet, and they travel well and look harder than they are to make. Once you’ve talked through the options, and shared your best memories of them, put on your aprons and make your favorite holiday treat, with extra to share. If you don’t have time today, schedule a cooking date with your kiddos. Bon appétit!

December 8: Plan the Menu

Rhyming Prompt: December 8

We’ve been thinking of food now for several days,

And I have to admit it’s put me in a daze.

It’s hard work to do all this thinking of food!

Who has it? Who doesn’t? What’s good that I’ve chewed?

I’m guessing the grownups that take care of you

Might also be starting to feel kind of blue

When they sit down to answer the question of dinner.

Perhaps you could help them pick out a winner?

Let’s work with our grownups to plan supper one night;

If we help cook it, too, it would be a delight!

Download the prompts for December 5-8 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document (you may have already printed these—I’m just re-posting them here for convenience). You can also now download the prompts for December 9-12 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.

A close-up image of the prompt for December 8, printed on cream cardstock with a green border. There is a silver wax impression of a frog in the upper corner with a gold embossed symbol of a frog. The prompt is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

A close-up image of the prompt for December 8, printed on cream cardstock with a green border. There is a silver wax impression of a frog in the upper corner with a gold embossed symbol of a frog. The prompt is nestled in a lit Christmas tree.

Other Materials:

Cookbooks or other recipes would be helpful, and you’ll need the ingredients for the selected recipes once they’ve been chosen.

Suggested Pose:

Frantz has taken the liberty of going through our cookbooks and finding a few favorites, including some that are specifically aimed at child chefs.

Frantz sits on a mountain of cookbooks, including Sesame Street Let’s Cook! and Mommy & Me Start Cooking.

Frantz sits on a mountain of cookbooks, including Sesame Street Let’s Cook! and Mommy & Me Start Cooking.


Your kid’s goal is to plan the menu for one dinner this week. Your involvement depends on their age. Because my kids are little, we’ll look at pictures and figure out a balanced menu together, but I’ll lean heavily on their input and simply make suggestions as we go. I’ll then work with them in the kitchen on the actual food prep. I love kid-oriented cookbooks for this because they break down which steps are best managed by the kids themselves.


Unlike most of our activities so far, this activity is asking your child to take on some of the labor of the family unit, and in doing so, to feel specific and targeted empathy for you.

Much has been made of cooking during the pandemic. On one hand people have taken up baking to the point of yeast and flour shortages; on the other, a growing chorus of home cooks are confessing their culinary fatigue. Helen Rosner’s recent meditation in The New Yorker on “The Joylessness of Cooking” struck a chord with me, as someone who loved to cook until perhaps even last month. One particularly stressful November week, during which both my husband and I were snowed under by work, we failed to plan any dinners at all, leaving us to scour the kitchen every night in a race to come up with something—anything—in the last hour before kid bedtime. At a cultural moment when cooking has come to feel particularly exhausting and demoralizing, then, it’s perhaps more relevant than ever that in the U.S., women do the vast majority of grocery shopping and meal prepping. A recent PEW study suggests that more than 70% of women handle both chores in their households. As Anne Helen Peterson recently wrote, moms do most of the family labor, which is both invisible and exponentially increased during the holiday season.

For this activity, then, we’re asking our kids to practice perspective-taking by taking our perspective. By planning a meal, they’re performing some of the labor of the family unit, and that labor is also being rendered visible. This is also a good opportunity to chat about all of the work that goes into making your family happy, how that labor is divided, and, perhaps, how they can help going forward.

Book Recommendation:

I recommend a child-focused cookbook for every family. We have gotten a lot of joy from ours, and the best preschool math in our household happens in the kitchen. We like Sesame Street Let’s Cook!, but there are many, and they all look great. Pick your favorite.

I’ll also take this opportunity to recommend Everybody Cooks Rice, by Norah Dooley & Peter J. Thornton. This book is excellent in that it shows what is similar across cultures (rice and table fellowship) while also illustrating differences (cooking technique and spicing). You can watch a read aloud here.

A closeup of the cover of Everybody Cooks Rice, by Norah Dooley and Peter J. Thornton

A closeup of the cover of Everybody Cooks Rice, by Norah Dooley and Peter J. Thornton