December 31

Prompt: December 31

Today is our last day together, my friend,

I can hardly believe we’ve come to the end!

It’s been such an honor to stay with you here

And when I think of you, I will grin ear-to-ear.

 Have a grand year, and don’t you lose sight

Of all we have worked on together, alright?

Think often of others and how they might feel,

Give compliments often, and always with zeal.

Stand up for people less lucky than you

And try hard to see life from their point-of-view.

You’re such a kind person and I’ll miss you so much,

Although I am leaving, let’s keep in touch.

You can download the prompts from December 29-31 here as a PDF or here as a Microsoft Word Document.




Goodbyes are important, and it’s also important to show gratitude. Your frog (as a proxy for you) has worked hard to create something magical this month. Your child has worked hard, too, learning and growing, over the last 30 days. It’s a good idea to honor that work with a goodbye and a thank you. Since we are moving into a new year, and your child has selected a new cause through which to continue their empathetic development, this goodbye should feel like gratifying closure.